If the font size on this page is too small, or the page width too narrow, please just hit Ctrl + (hold down the Ctrl key and press +) to increase their sizes. We apologize that this website's programming is old, but we are still active in
2025. Please note that we are still doing people finder cases in
This is an old website but we are still active in this area.
People Finder -- especially Vietnam veterans and adoption related
Out of all our cases, these are our favorite because they are the most positive. Our Thai female agents love to find mothers and children, and we also have some Vietnam War veteran friends here in Thailand. Our agency has become a bunch of history buffs over these cases.
When we do these cases, we usually use Thai lady agents, who are friendly and socially skilled. Thai ladies are often received better than males. We are dressed properly but usually in a relaxed informal way, and are friendly and polite. We do not identify ourselves as private investigators or detectives, nor do we approach people in that manner, on most people finder cases. Many of our clients have become our friends before we go find and meet the person, so we identify ourselves that way, as a friend, or a friend of a friend (e.g., I am your friend, and my agent is my Thai friend, so there's a buffer to explain a lack of detail in familiarity in case they ask a lot of questions, but usually they don't ask many questions). We still get occasional social calls from some of them going back years, both our overseas clients/friends and people we have found.
Our main experience is in these kinds of cases:
- Finding out about the parents of an adopted Thai child (separate section)
- Finding the mother of the children of Vietnam veterans and other people overseas whose mother is in Thailand
- Finding the children of Vietnam veterans
- Finding brothers, sisters, father, and other family members
- Finding Thai friends and associates
- Finding Thai girlfriends (see privacy policy at bottom of page)
Some cases are fairly systematic using our standard methods to solve. Other cases require unique analysis of clues and insights to follow leads carefully.
When we find the person, it is in many cases a very emotional experience. In fact, some of them still contact us on occasion to thank us again and generally socialize! (We use friendly and personable agents who love their work, get to know the situation, and often build a lot of rapport and a good relationship.)
If the person we find can speak English, or if you can speak Thai, then we can put you into immediate verbal contact via our mobile phone and their phone. Otherwise, we can verbally interpret or provide written translations for you, especially with older people. We collect all the information we can. We can take videos and photos of them, and scan photos from their photo albums.
Many clients/friends who have never before contacted their Thai family want to know more about their family and an independent third party assessment. By going there and taking videos, photos, seeing the situation, talking with people fluently in the Thai language, and experiencing the responses, we can sometimes get a significantly better initial assessment than from afar. An in-person, face-to-face meeting with glossy photos of you and your history, nicely presented, and a translated letter to pass around, can sometimes make a significant difference in engaging the person or their extended family. If we are there in person, you are sure to get a good push for a quick result and responses. Also, some clients/friends don't want to depend entirely upon members of the family to tell them some kinds of things, and want our on-site assessment, too.
Here is an actual case photo of a private investigator (lady on the right) on a people-finder case with one of our portable computers and a scanner, scanning photos from the family album for sending back to our client in the U.S.:
Notably, "taking a photo of an old photo" using a digital camera is often good enough, but doesn't result in good quality. A scanner makes a big difference, as a far higher resolution can be obtained, e.g., blow-ups of faces in small family group photos, especially old photos done on film rather than printed digital photos. We do this regularly with photos people mail us, because blowing them up and printing them ... and sometimes processing them digitally (brighten, darken, contrast, sharpen) ... can improve pictures dramatically. Many things the human eye doesn't discern can be brought out by modern electronics plus software plus operator skill.
What information do you need to provide?
First, please contact us and tell us your general situation. We can guide you.
The most important information is getting a complete name. In some cases where a complete name is not available, then other information and leads can solve the case.
For finding a mother, usually the only piece of information we need is your birth certificate which lists the maiden name of your mother. We have normally been able to find the mother based on only that copy of the birth certificate, as long as the mother's name is real. (In some adoption tracing cases whereby the mother quickly ran away at the hospital right after birth and never showed any ID, the mother's name is sometimes incomplete or fake, but in many cases it is real.)
Additional information can speed up the process and reduce the cost. Absence of a birth certificate means that we must get other information, of course.
We usually require a reasonable deposit to start allocating our resources, and an agreed "reward" fee when we are successful in finding the person. The exact amount depends upon the information available at the outset.
Problem cases:
One thing which has surprised us is the number of cases where children are looking for their Thai mother, and their father has told them that their mother died ... when in fact she has not. With the advent of the internet, the children eventually contact us, discreetly, to find out for sure.
The mother and the children have almost always been overjoyed, and the children usually come to Thailand as tourists to experience their family roots.
The ramifications for a father who had maintained a false story are not good, and it is strongly advised that such a situation be rectified while it still can be.
In one case, a father came to us because his son had pressured him to promise to try to find his son's mother, and they had sat down at the computer together. Yet, after first contact, he delayed and seemed to resist. We bent over backwards to accomodate him. After some unusual communications, we receiving a deposit along with almost minimal information and a note that we probably couldn't find her which would be OK. After we made remarkable progress on the case (and finding out that he had provided some misleading information), his reaction was to order us to cease and desist immediately!
In another case, we found a biological mother. She was old. When we showed her the photos and told her that we are helping her daughter contact her, suddenly she just collapsed onto the ground, plop. It shocked our lady agents. They were afraid she just died. But then the old lady started sobbing, not out of grief but out of joy. After she regained her composure and got back up and talked with us, it turns out that she had been thinking about her child all her life and had hoped that someday her child could find her.
It is best to manage these situations in a personalized, case-by-case way.
We have never had a case where children finding their mother resulted in net negative feelings towards their father ... except when their father maintained a lie to the end.
On the other hand, fathers who have helped their children to find their mother have always been at least appreciated to date.
Both mothers and fathers have told their children false stories, in some cases to try to cover up something in their own past and maintain some secret obsessively, which might be extra sensitive to them but often not such a big issue to others who are not so judgmental and just want to find out about and meet their other parent.
At the very least, if we can't find somebody, then at least you know that you've done your best, and can put the issue to rest.
Usually, it is just the beginning of a wonderful re-adventure in life.
People Finder -- Lost Girlfriends
Important note: We respect people's privacy, and also protect their safety.
In lost girlfriend cases, when we find the person, we ask permission to give their contact information to you, such as:
- Telephone number,
- Social media accounts
- Street address, and/or
- E-mail address
Important note: We respect peoples' privacy, and also protect their safety. In missing persons and people-finder cases, when we find the person, we ask permission to give their contact information to you. They usually grant permission enthusiastically; however, occasionally a subject will not want to be contacted. If they do not want us to give out some or all their contact information, then we do not. Sometimes we are asked to give only their e-mail address, or to be an intermediary for a letter both ways. We report their request back to you, together with information which would verify that we did indeed find them (e.g., facts from your history with that person that you had not told us). In any case, all fees are nonrefundable, as we have provided our service.
This applies to all people finder cases. The vast majority of non-girlfriend people finder cases result in enthusiastic interest in being contacted. However, many former girlfriends do not want to be contacted or reveal their private information.
We have been contacted by obsessed men after a breakup, stalkers and other potentially offensive types. We have also been contacted by creditors and people with ill will.
It is a matter of both personal privacy and safety.
Case studies:
In the vast majority of cases, we have found the people -- mothers, fathers, children, siblings, relatives, friends, and professional associates. While we can find people from databases, it usually also requires field work in the end, whereby we typically send two friendly Thai lady agents out for face-to-face interaction, with translated documents and photos from you, and we provide contact information, photos, and/or documentation back to you.
Sometimes, we are asked to assist in divorce procedures due to a long abandonment with a husband or wife. We can assist in the official divorce procedures, and are experienced and familiar with implementing this process with a wife or husband. We serve papers for foreign court cases.
We can retrieve divorce records. For example, if the court has already granted divorce to your Thai wife based on abandonment, then we can retrieve a certified copy of the court document which you can use as evidence of your divorce so you can move on. We can also retrieve a mutually agreed upon divorce/marriage cancellation record. In any case, we can get the necessary paperwork to you, with certified translation.
Most cases are very straightforward and friendly.
However, some take some strange twists:
Son drug addict
Additional, children pages of this current parent page: Find a Person : Lost Relative or Friend Adoption Tracing Drugs Usage
To get the right person for the job, please send a message to our "inbox" (not "info") at
Alternatively, you can just use our contact form
Either way, we will usually respond within 1 to 24 hours.
This website is entirely self-made, not outsourced to any public relations or web design company. We wrote all the content, and did all the programming and artwork, too, ourselves. It's still 2002 style and many people have commented on this almost 20 years later, but we prefer to do everything ourselves.
All text content on our site is proudly original and copyright © 1997-2025, All Rights Reserved.
We do not tolerate copycats, and we are honorable people with class.
(Our Managing Director previously worked in intellectual property for the U.S. government as his first job right out of the university a long time ago.)
Please remember thaiLANDpi.com
Our company is located in central Bangkok on Sukhumvit soi 2, within walking distance of the skytrain, between the Ploenchit and Nana stations.
Thailand Private Investigations,
a division of:
Lucky Lion Pride Co., Ltd.
Ploymitr Office Building, Floor 7
81 Sukhumvit soi 2
Klongtoey, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
"The harder we work, the luckier we get."
By appointment only, please.
Sometimes, an agent can meet you at
your location (depends on location).
Email: inbox at our domain name.
Office Tel.: +66-2255-0620
Mobile: +66-80-062-4243 (native English speaker)
Old customers please note: We moved our office from Pakkred, Nonthaburi to the city center. Please do not go out to our old office in Pakkred, on Bond Street. We are no longer there.
New customers introduction: We are a close knit group of family and trusted friends who take pride in our work.
Our office is co-located with Export Quality Services Co., Ltd., aka EQ, which is the same company we previously operated under, but we split off the private investigations business to a daughter company, Lucky Lion Pride Co., Ltd., whereby EQ now focuses on language translation and some other things.
Mobile Tel.: +66-80-062-4243 or 080-062-4243 (native English speaker) -- call ANYTIME, 24/7 (I turn off my phone volume when asleep)
If you want to chat via LINE / WhatsApp, please add the phone number above to your phone's contacts, and it should automatically add me to your LINE and WhatsApp shortly after that.
For expediting in LINE, my LINE ID is alphalion (alpha lion with no space between the words).
Site Map
This website is about
Thailand Private
Site Map
The Site Map
is also the
center tab
on the menu
on the top
and bottom
of every page.